Pioneer cdj 2000 nexus
The highly evolved CDJ-2000NXS includes advanced features, including 4-deck Beat Sync, Slip Mode and Hot Cue Auto Load. Use with rekordbox software, or use the HID support to perform with other DJ software without a control disk or go the old fashioned way and play from CD's or a thumb drive
Pioneer DJM 900
The Club Standard DJ Mixer.
The DJM-900NXS is the next level in creativity, delivering excellent connectivity, up-to-date FX and mind-blowing performance features to make it the centrepiece of any professional DJ setup.
To be used with the above CDJ 2000NXS
DJ Controller
Pioneer ddj-400
DDJ-400 2-channel DJ controller for rekordbox dj. Packed with features to showcase your skills, this controller’s layout mirrors that of the flagship NXS2 set-up above, with shared elements like dedicated cue buttons, Beat FX, CDJ-style looping controls and more.
This unit requires powered speakers connectable by RCA or audio jack (Cables will be provided)